Angelina Jolie and China? What is up with that? Always busy scrubbing the web, I (the Brad Pitt of China Success Stories ;-), visited – which is a decent China Blog portal – when my eyes were drawn to their "All-time Popular Content" section. Best read post? -> Angelina Jolie Shows Off Her Tattoos (19377). Also in top five: China says Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are a good match for adoptive parents (5762).
Mind you Chinalyst is a community for English blogging related to China and Chinese Culture.
First post is about Angelina Jolie's tattoos, that are somewhat Chinese (Cambodian actually). Second post is related to Pitt and Jolie's wish to adopt a Vietnamese baby. The articles origin from…
Note the first line? "Shows off her t…" Perhaps that explains the high volume of traffic on this Jolie post?
Anyway, I'm thinking does a Web site on "Doing business in Asia, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and Russia." (Panasianbiz) need this type of jolly content to get noticed? And is oúr China entrepreneurial target audience also in desperate need of a break?
Either way, Angelina – like say, Paris Hilton – is good for business if you live of ad revenues the way an average China Blog does. But does this mean we also have to feature more Angelina Jolie content, photo's or even youtube clips? Not to mention Paris Hilton and perhaps some female tennis players? Or is quality, on topic content, the way a Web site like features, all it takes to get noticed?
Let's find out.
<H3>We are going to spice up (upgrade / enhance?) our China Business Web site a little bit. We will not show Angelina Jolie naked, nor nude. A pic of her tattoo will be as far as we will go, ok? And this will be our first and last time we feature her semi naked. Here you go </H3>
*imagine a picture here*
Caption: Angelina Jolie without Brad Pitt semi naked, half nude with tattoo.
That should get us some traffic. Let's just hope it doesn't get us banned from serious business sites and blogs. Or lead advertisers on our site to belief we aren't serving their ads to their China Business target groups.
We can do better than this, right? We can. So let's leave it at this.
Bye Angelina,
Love Brad
PS According to I should have used more words to make this post well read, so please note I didn't use picture, sexy, movie gallery, golden globe, jennifer aniston (!), poster, scene, myspace etc. Sorry about that Angelina.
PPS To Panasianbiz: keep it up, like reading your site!
PPPS We WILL add a light hearted fun content section to our Web site soon. Plus I'll let you know, if this post will be our best read one (let's hope that won't be the case). Subscribe to our China Business newsletter and be the first to find out!
And on a final note: I am aware of the fact that in my first PS I did use some of the words I know people with an interest in Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are looking for (just to make sure we do this properly). To make up for people landing on this page who absolutely aren't interested in doing business in or with China, here's a link to A 'fan' (?) site about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with pictures, current news and gossip.
Cheers, I'm off (to